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What is CPR?

Updated: May 28, 2019

4 main things you must know about CPR!

I can remember when I was shopping at my local wholesale's club with my daughter and I heard someone cry out for help. I looked up and seen a crowd of people standing around, what I didn't know at the time, a lady who was experiencing a seizure. Many times normal bystanders like you and I experience this more often than none. But when this happens would you know what to do? Do you know what CPR stands for and what it truly is? No worries! Below, we are going to give you 4 main things you must know about CPR.

1. CPR is Not Just a Three Letter Word

CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Yeah two extremely long words that are very important to healthcare and non-healthcare personal around the globe. So what does it really mean? Well, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation AKA CPR simply means that If a person stops breathing, or their heart stops beating effectively, correct performance of CPR could restore oxygenated blood flow to the person's vital organs.

2. Have You Heard??? There is Another Name for CPR

There are two different ways to refer to CPR. One is well you guessed it, CPR and the other is BLS. From the reading above you already know what CPR stand for. So what is BLS? BLS stands for Basic Life Support. Both of these acronyms are correct but it's just used by specific individuals. When a job asks you if you have BLS certification they are inquiring if you have healthcare provider-level CPR training that encompasses more training than what is provided in a regular CPR certification. A regular CPR certification is normally for the general public such as teachers, coaches, and daycare providers—not medical professionals. Remember, different certifying organizations refer to them by different names.

3. What is Traditional CPR?

When you have received your CPR certification, most of the time you have been trained in what we call Traditional CPR. Traditional CPR is going through the steps of calling 911, providing chest compressions and giving breathes.

4. What if I Don't Want to Give Breathes?

It is okay! Many people do not feel comfortable providing mouth-to-mouth in CPR. There are many ways to avoid this.

  1. Use a pocket mask

  2. Use a bag-mask device

  3. Use advanced airway adjuncts

  4. Not providing breathes at all BUT... (You MUST continue ongoing compressions)

In 2008, there was an effort to encourage bystanders to get involve when they came across someone who needed help via CPR, so they came up with what is known as "Hands-only CPR" or "Compression-only CPR". Compression-only CPR allows the bystander to continue to provide ongoing compressions to the victim until MAST shows up or someone with proper certification. This method has been proved and backed up by studies showing how effective this method is in providing lifesaving results in victims.

No matter if you are at a wholesale club or walking by someone at the park. You are now prepared to provide help to victims in need. Remember, getting your CPR/BLS certification is within your grasp!

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